
The 10 Best Movies in Theaters Right Now

Movie theaters are officially back. As the cinematic immolations sluggishly return to the big screen compared to the streaming services and colorful digital reimbursement retailers, we ’re then to sort out what’s actually the stylish bang for your buck at the box office. Awards season is in full swing and December is then, which means a glut of stupendous pictures are submerging theaters. This weekend sees The Neophyte and The Lost Son storm onto the list of awards pets. Of course, use your judgment when choosing whether to go back to the pictures or not, but there’s an ever- growing chance of vaccinated moviegoers who are champing at the bit to get back in front of the big screen. And I ’m veritably happy to say that we ’re back, then to help. That said, effects in theatrical distribution are a little strange right now, so piecemeal from some big recent blockbusters, there’s a blend of Oscar- winners, moping releases, indies and classics reserved — depending, of course, on the theater


#1 Antebellum This movie was originally supposed to be available in the spring but had to get pushed back due to COVID. The movie will be in theaters starting August 21st.  The movie is rated R and is categorized as a horror movie. This movie can be a great start to your spooky marathon to prepare for Halloween.  The synopsis of the movie is the following: A successful author finds herself in a horrifying reality and must figure out the mystery behind it before it is too late. #2 The Secret Garden If you want to escape the reality of the world, watch The Secret Garden, this fantasy movie will be sure to bring you into another dimension.  This movie will be in theaters starting August 14th. The movie is rated PG and is categorized as a Fantasy.  The synopsis of the movie is the following: Mary Lennox is born in India to wealthy British parents who never wanted her. When her parents suddenly die, she is sent back to England to live with her uncle, Archibald Craven. She meets her sickly c